RivieraVet - Veterinarian in Sainte Maxime - 04 94 49 24 99
Most common emergencies
Accidents and trauma
Acute allergic reactions, insect bites
Foreign bodies
Acute diarrhea or vomiting
Anorexia (absolute emergency in rabbits)
Difficulty urinating
Dejection, fever
Paralysis, convulsion
Acute pain of any origin
Difficult delivery
Documents to provide
Your pet's health record, any test results and previous x-rays, and any information or examination that reflects your pet's medical record.
If the accompanying person is not the owner, provide a detailed description of the symptoms and their chronology of onset. Also note medical history, current treatments and possible allergies.
Also bring the medications (or their SPC, "Summary of Product Characteristics") that your animal takes regularly or those prescribed by your veterinarian immediately before your consultation at the Emergency Room.